| - Good concept -- coffee and knitting! Love that combination. The staff is very friendly, both the baristas and the knitters (are they both?). The coffee is good.
The reason the Sow's Ear looses stars is: because the layout of the building is a little wonky -- I felt like I was in people's way the entire time I was browsing the yarn, which was really annoying; and because the yarn selection itself wasn't that inspiring, to be honest. Not that many beautiful fibers -- lots of solid colors, striping yarn, and so forth. They didn't have Madelinetosh, and their Malabrigo selection was pitiful. We actually went back a second day in a row just to double-check that I wasn't missing some magical yarn, a diamond in the rough. I mean, there was one kind of yarn that I really, really liked, but not enough to purchase it. I ended up going to The Knitting Tree and The Cat and Crow and spending almost $200 on yarn at those stores.
This isn't to say that I won't go back, but I just wasn't impressed this time.