| - I had two large rooms to carpet, so I booked an appointment with their rep. The representative appeared knowledgeable and recommended carpet and padding based on a medium budget. The carpet was not going to be top of the line, but at least as good as the existing flooring.
After it was installed it felt like no padding had been laid down, so I called to complain. I was told the carpet I was sold was bottom of the line and was offered a tear-out / upgrade at the cost of the difference between a better carpet and the one I had installed.
So far, so good. I made my complaint and my problem was being fixed.
The installers arrived, removed the first carpet and found the original installers had ripped me off. They only installed half a room's worth of new padding, leaving my original padding in place. The installer advised me to call the main office and here is where my problem with this company start.
First I felt their salesman misrepresented the quality of the carpet I was originally sold. As confirmed by the installer, what he sold me was something usually put in cheap apartments. The second problem is the original installers had committed a major theft. I should not feel like I have to watch the installation of my paid-for product to make sure they don't steal from me, especially when the company installing the product prides itself on its Better Business Bureau accreditation.
So when I spoke to the installation manager, I was pretty surprised to find he felt there was no problem. In fact he was pretty aggressive and rude. He refused to acknowledge that if I had just accepted the initial installation and put it down to "you get what you pay for", I'd never have known the original installers had stolen the padding. He felt that because the theft was found, the problem was fixed and nothing further needed to be done. I guess he had his extra money for the carpet upgrade and didn't care. The impression he gave me was he felt like he had done me a huge favor.
Let's not forget, it was my persistence that got the crap carpet replaced with better carpet - and I paid extra money to have it done. And this was the only reason I found the original installers had stolen from me. What I expect at this point is customer service. Maybe not a refund, but certainly an apology. His side of the story is he took a hit on the original carpet and therefore took a financial hit. My version would be that the quality of the carpet originally sold was so low, it's doubtful his "loss" was more than the extra money I paid to have the problem fixed.
So some of you might be thinking, well it was just a bit of padding, what's the big deal? Decent padding costs about 50c-75c a square foot. Mine was good padding, plastic-backed, worth around 50c / sq foot. 1500 square feet of padding was stolen - $750. If someone stole $750 from your wallet, would you say "oh it was just some paper, what's the big deal"?