The staff was fine and maybe this review may not matter but damn are customers rude.
I was next in line. A lady, states this her first time here, is uncertain where the line begins so the staff directs her it starts in my direction. No problem, I let the lady go past me so I step aside.
The couple, behind me though
Female: oh she doesn't wanna go
So then the male walks around me and heads toward the register.
I then explain to the female: I was allowing the lady... who was lost... to walk past me because she was already heading my direction(I yield, why headbutt? I see her coming my direction)
After I'm finished, the male turns back around, looks confused and asked me if I'm next.
Really, am I next? I was in front of you moron.
I had a return transaction and got finished quickly.
But when I turned around, another female with her cart with her baby in it almost ran over my foot.
Never want to step foot into this particular location again.