| - I am writing this review only after I have read all others. I will first start off with the absolute disgust I have in reading all negative reviews and the sources. All from California, now I know that they have the reputation of heads in clouds, do for me only and immediately attitudes because they think that they are so very important. GET OVER YOURSELF, you are not that important to Vegas residents. I walked into the ER with what I thought was back pain and indigestion, I sat and waited for three hours while I watched a U of Southern Cal. kid crawl around on the floor with a dog collar and leash attached to his neck by his girlfriend who was laughing and telling everyone that he was on a "bad trip" to loaded meth. Really, drive him back to Calif. and drop him off at an ER there.
Back to me. when I was seen by the ER staff I was immediately taken back to the observation room where I was told I was in the process of having a heart attack. The male attendant sat with me holding my hand, attending to me, walking me to the rest room asking if I would mind if he entered with me, applying cool compress to my neck, being with me while testing was being done while explaining any and all current and future tests etc. Shortly thereafter I was put in a private room in the cardiac critical care unit where I remained for 6 days with a nurse who seemed to be here 24/7 same's that Cali ?. It turned out I was experiencing 7 different health issues, I remained in the hospital 3 more weeks, I too had Dr. Pham. Words cannot describe his attitude, his confidence and easy to speak and ask anything manner. He was involved and educated on my care and well being and spoke on my behalf to the many attending additional doctor's I had. He explained every procedure and result to me clearly and concisely.
As for the man who was complaining about the Adm. office personnel WGAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT !!. Do you have insurance? My total bill for my hospital stay, surgeries, tests, care of nurses, lab tech's and others was $51,000.00.I have private pay insurance, and only part A Medicare. NO WELFARE or MEDICAID. I was continually reassured to never think or worry about the bill by the CEO, Sam Kaufman who make rounds daily to the patients on the 3rd floor. My out of pocket expenses were 0. In ending if you are ever in a medical emergency you choose your option there are only 2 live or die.