I will first start by saying the experience doing the full moon stand-up paddle boarding was pretty cool, therefore 3 stars. However my overall experience was affected by the lack of organization. I signed up online for me and a friend paying $50 for each of us. When I received my confirmation it said to arrive by 7:00 p.m. Then the day of I start receiving group text messages and it said to arrive by 6:30/6:45. So I have to leave work early in order to rush and get there on time. We arrive and there's a couple people siting at a table with the forms but said they weren't ready for Check-in. I see some cool waterproof cell phone cases and he says it's $15 but they don't have a cash box yet. So then, after 7/7:15 which I previously planned on, I see people coming in with wristbands and see they are checking people in. I wait in line and get my wristband and proceed to purchase my cell case... handed the girl a $20 and she proceeded checking others in. I asked for my change and she said they are $20. I explained a half hour ago they were $15. She said- well he's wrong and ignored me. Then I find out it's not scheduled until about 8:30 to leave the beach to go paddle board and it's a 2-hour thing. It was ver windy which made it difficult to do the paddling. Some of the more "pros" didn't care for the novice paddlers- so be prepared to have people run into you. After we were done, I was exhausted and nauseous. I needed water... but there wasn't any water to be found. The tiki place was closed and all they had was monster energy drinks... not something I needed at that point. Luckily I brought some water in the car and my friend ran and got it for me. The staff was only concerned about handing out drink coupons for an after party. I might do it again but with much different expectations.