UPDATE: so i was in my hotel room at Harrahs& decided i wanted dirt dog. i saw they closed at 2 & it was like 1:46 and i was on a mission ! i got there about 1:54 & they were still serving. i was quite impressed because usually people would say they were closed(i would) so i ordered something light because i wasn't sure if i would like it (something light being a bacon wrapped chilly cheese dog with bacon bits , cilantro and onions) . i told the guy how i liked my hot dogs (crispy) and he said no problem. fast forward to after i took the picture of my hot dog. i STILL wasn't sure if i would like it because i was wondering why the cheese was so light. i posted my pic and my phone died right after i wrote the review below. then i tried it ............. WOW ! i can't lie. that shit was GOOD ! pretty much, i'm going back today to try a different dog and some fried oreos.
it's a little on the pricy side , but i'm sure it's due to location.... then again, they are gourmet hot dogs. they have hot dogs with fries on top, corn, avocado(you know everyone's crazy about avocados) , limes & they even have a bacon wrapped dog !!! who doesn't love bacon.
they also have the mexican corn with cojita cheese and everything !
fries and wings as well.
they do have fried oreos and twinkies but i haven't tried them yet but i will be soon.