Holy cow, I've never been to a Michael's-on-steroids AKA hobby lobby before.
I came seeking modeling clay and left with exactly what I needed. But it was hard not to wander the massive aisles picking up other crafty hobbies. There were very appealing soap and candle making displays. I didn't even go near the yarn section because that would've been tempting fate.
That said, I have to whine. Perhaps the massive amount of space explains why there weren't many cute displays up on the walls. Yeah, I guess it'd be a little treacherous not to mention a waste of time putting up a bunch of silk floral arrangements and stuff on the walls but the place just seemed a little bare. Over the entrance doors in lonely gold letters it said "WELCOME TO THE HOBBY LOBBY" and that was it. It seems a Michael's-on-roids would have cutesy inspiring wall displays on roids too. Meh.
My other whine was poorly marked aisles. You're trapped into wandering the store because you there aren't big hanging supermarket style aisle markers saying what's in each aisle, and there weren't a whole lot of employees on the floor (a Monday afternoon, around 4:30). I guess true crafty types are up for wandering for inspiration, but I'm not at that point yet.
BUT. If you are looking for something remotely crafty, its here. No, don't question. Just go.