| - Literally the rudest customer service!
This place is actually nice inside and based on that I would have returned, but the customer service was terrible! We had bought a groupon but were told we could not use it because we had to wait 24 hours...weird, but ok, whatever...except the person was SUPER rude about it, still we gave her the benefit of the doubt at that point. Started bowling, got a pitcher of beer and some food for the kids. Kids wanted some water so I said to go ask for some, they came back and said the bartender said they had to buy it. What?? Every restaurant/establishment I have ever been to offers water cups?? So my husband and I went up to ask, the bartender immediately said they were under new management and they aren't allowed to give water because they would rather sell it and make money. I told them it's illegal in Arizona to deny water, then the manager came over and said hey had a water fountain so it's not illegal. Really?? They wouldn't give my kid a cup of water after we bought food and beer?
WORST part? My daughter and her friend went outside and heard the bartender having her smoke break dropping f bombs about me and saying I was the 7th "f-ing" person to get mad about it. Classy, glad they got to hear that!
We also witnessed several other frustrated customers, obviously there is a customer service issue here. Too bad because the the facility is nice. We will go back to our locally owned favorite place that might not look as nice, but they treat their customers a LOT better!!