| - I would not recommend these guys, they are very disorganized and can't keep appointments. I needed my windshield replaced, the first day the guy shows up with the wrong glass (understandable, I guess it could happen to anhone), so he schedules for the next day at 2pm, except no one shows up! At 5 I call and they're like sorry I got busy, can I come tomorrow! Reluctantly I agree, so he shows up tomorrow a bit late and installs the new windshield.
Now I'm all happy except when I turn on the wipers the next day and see that they no longer work, because they were put back on incorrectly! So I have to call again for a "warranty repair" and same disorganized response. Make another appointment for two days later, only to have him not show up again and not even answer the call, then the same exact thing the next day, they're running late and want to reschedule again! Finally on a 3rd attempt they show up and fix their own mistake.
A simply 2 hour windshield replacement ended up taking 5 appointments and me having to take time off from work to meet these guys. Next time I'll be choosing a company my insurance actually recommends and not these guys that try to get your business at car washes.
Update: almost 2 years has passed now and I still get phone calls from these guys trying to convince me to replace my windshield again even though its not broken. This has to be some kind of attempt at insurance fraud, telling customers to replace a windshield that isn't broken! No matter how many times I tell them not to call me again, they just keep calling!