I had one good experience here. Their best employee is Mario. He is very civil and pleasant and is actually helpful. Every other employee is incompetent. Today my roommate and I went to look at a dog we have been saving up to adopt (their prices are OUTRAGEOUS) and we were told that we could "play with the dog they selected for us" and the foolish employee threw us in a pen with the most ill-behaved dog I have ever encountered. Not only did it bite me multiple times, but it humped not only me, but also my roommate. When I confronted the owner about the dogs behavior, he simply defended the animal saying "it had been in a cage all day" and petted it and gave it a treat. He praised the dog for what it did to me and my roommate. I was appalled. Not to mention the dog my roommate and I were looking to adopt looked sick as hell, and also appeared as though she hasn't been bathed in days. So if you do take your business here, request Mario, or your service will be garbage.