| - I was there for dinner. It was meh. I had hopes that the food from a little place like this would be surprisingly good. It was Ok, not bad, just OK. I was most disappointed with the focaccia, mostly because it is namesake of the restaurant and was strongly recommended by a reviewer in a local newspaper when the restaurant first opened. I also, love bread, non more so than focaccia. The fococcia, was like evertything else, meh. It's just there to distract you from how long it takes to bring your entree. I had high hopes but they were dashed.
The night I was there, there was live music by Angelique. Who was quaint, but also meh. I appreciated Angelique's efforts, but was disturbed/surprised by the waitress/owner who was talking very loudly with some of her friends at another table, so much so that one couldn't here dear Angelique. Why have live music, if you're going to talk over them?