Some of the best service I experienced bridal shopping. I was greeted promptly given a beverage and escorted to pick out my dresses. They have two rooms one where you can buy off the rack and another for orders. It was a nice selection though not quite as huge as others. I was never charged a $25 fee and she clearly explained to me that they only charge when you do a package where you can receive champagne, chocolate etc. if you're bringing a group to shop with you.
My one tiny complaint was that the girl who was my guide was extremely quiet and timid - she didn't clamp the dresses properly (tightly) to give me an idea of what the dress would be like in my size- and most of the ones I tried on were far too big. I would also have preferred someone who spoke up a little more just because my apt. was directly after work and I had to shop by myself so I needed some suggestions etc.
I will say on a whole the ladies there were so nice and there were others there that were super helpful and so I might go back to order my dress through them. I felt their prices were fair, and I had no issues finding dresses in the 1000-1500 range