Dollar for dollar, LTH is one of the best restaurants in the city (and yes it deserves it's own acronym!).
Prepare yourself to embark on a journey, half way around the world only to enter a setting that forces its third world ambience upon you and yet settles it with the aroma of world class Pakistani cuisine.
If your gonna put up a fuss about disposable cutlery, plastic chairs or the 'rennovations' that don't ever seem be complete, then LTH is clearly not for you.
Otherwise if good food and a uniquely fun experience is what you're craving, this place stands with it's head up high among the best restaurants this city has to offer.
Personal favorates include the lamb kebobs, beef kebobs, butter chicken and daal makhani. Like many other great restaurants, very few things off the menu are bad but the kebobs (preferably the red meat ones) are DEE-F'N-LICIOUS!
The prices are too good for this food, but i guess that explains the use of plastic forks and styrafoam plates.
Unless you're planning a trip half way across the world, this is the best way to experience Pakistan for it's delicious cuisine and in your face culture.