Stanley Park is a quiet little green space with enough aspects to please most everyone. It is in two parts, dissected by King St. so be careful crossing that busy street. The north side has interesting landscaping with undulating small hills that break up the view, along with substantial shade trees giving the illusion of depth and mystery. That space is shared by both kids and dogs, and boasts one of the vintage kids merry-go-rounds which seems out of place with our safety-concious society. How fast that thing goes is only limited by the number of kids whipping it around.
On the south side of King, Stanley Park continues with a baseball diamond, a public swimming pool, and tennis courts. The pool is more like a private pool in someone's backyard compared to the large pools Sunnyside or Alexandra Park. Flanked by shade trees, we were greeted by the staff who made it feel more like a small town. Just outside the entrance to the pool there are tennis courts with people waiting for their turn with a half hour to an hour wait times. A very clean facility with lots to offer making me a fan of Stanley Park!