nirvana for quirky diets. homemade tsoynami dessert, buffalo chicken wings. put on your flower shirt and that dreads wig your brother brought you from bahamas and just go.
--staff knows every ingredient of every dish. haven for allergy prone or those just making quirky choices (sorry, vee-jees. i just don't get it)
--get one of those cookies under glass at the counter. thank me later.
--order the tsunami dessert special. i could almost hear my mom's ice cream maker grinding in the background.
--what every indie coffee bar SHOULD be: serving healthy food made from freshly prepared ingredients.
--keeps your palate on its toes at all the flavor substitutions. bloody brilliant!
eating these buffalo "chicken" pieces reminds me of the absolute CRAP that other places are calling meat right now, and I realize i'm WAY safer right now.
thanks for the compliment on my "chops". anywhere else i would have just got a frown a squint, and an unspoken "geez. get a haircut, you slob!" don't worry, I went immediately to the salon and they're back where they should be.
[prejudiced, judgmental observation and affirmation]
to whit: i do respect your-all's choice to not eat meat. I really do! i also respect you for being just damn GENIUS intelligent. but you don't have to make this choice to earn my respect. proof in the recent majority of "FATTY, "ANTIBIOTIC-PUMPED-TO-KEEP-ME-ALIVE, STOOD-IN-MY-OWN-POOP-'TILL-THEY-SLAUGHTERED-ME" _FEED LOT_ "MEAT". WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY'S MEAT???!!!" i will still love ya just the same if you will join me at Morton's.
[/prejudiced, judgmental observation and affirmation]