| - "I'm a train wreck in the morning..... I'm a b!tch in the afternoon. Every now and then without warning...... I can be really mean towards you.
I'm a puzzle, yes, indeed - Ever-complex in every way.......And all the pieces aren't even in the box,...... and yet you see the picture clear as day...."
____________ We'll just eclipse the song right there and shimmer directly into this comically cosmetic review.
- Like Beyoncé, are you a trainwreck in the morning?
- Without some type of "smell good", can you TRULY smell what the Rock has been cooking?!
- Without a sunrise face beat, do you resemble a Fraggle???
Me thinks, meez' gotchu' covered!
Admittedly, without coffee, a naked concert in the mirror and some cologne, I'm a hot mess. It's amazing what a little hot water, a dab or two of aromatic eau de toilette and a few brewed beans each morning are able to do.
The result is the likeable guy most of you know as Kenny but without it,.........(sighs), chiLLLe....... I'm a dayum wildebeest!
Should you find yourself like-minded, well fortunately jigsaw puzzles such as ourselves FINALLY have a smidge of solace brought to us by way of this perfume providing ray of lush sparkling light, as we struggle on .......simply to make it thru the day.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, Sephora.
Improving the world,.... ONE UGLY PERSON at a time. Walk in resembling a gremlin. Walk out looking like RuPaul while nonetheless ready to rip the runway!!!
What's not to like?!
This particular location resting, of all places, within a JC Penney's amid a residential area is IMPOSSIBLE to locate. Like Toucan Sam, I was required to follow my nose compelling me to stop REPEATEDLY while in route to "partition" the assistance of local neighboring soccer Moms. The better looking they became, the closer to Sephora I knew that I was......
My forge led me here; to Spring Valley, for the most part adjacent the 215 freeway and Flamingo. I exited my car and clicked my heels. I was no place near home.
All in all, travels out this way were simply to anty up my niece's perfume game for her school prom. She asked me to accompany her and I simply could NOT resist an opportunity to relive my "Mean Girls/Jock Strap" days"!
One thing was for certain. If she's gone' keep up with her handsome uncle then she simply MUST smell the part!!!
I've got a damn reputation. Sheeyit...
I'd no clue that I'd receive the VIP treatment as not only was I welcomed without delay, but waited on hand and foot like a darn King.
I ner' bowt' felt like Chance the Rapper!!!!
Now, typically when visiting a Sephora located within a mall or store of some sort, you can almost GUARANTEE that merchandise is going to be hit or miss. It's the bear equivalent of trying to find a nonexistent "Waldo" within a field of bobbling candy canes.
From colognes to roll ons and from make up to facial rejuvenation devices, this place has EVERYTHING beneath the desert sun and I was in and out in less than 10 minutes!
I can't even visit Starbucks in 10 minutes!
As we're all aware, an added perk of departing this store is the boost of confidence certifiably derived as strangers bask upon your newfound sexy all the while secretly pondering on what scent adorns your neck and wrist (that they can't quite place their finger on).
Is it Chanel?
Is it J'Lo?
...... Is it your leave in conditioner???
My advice: LET EM' WONDER.....
Just do as I do and say it's your body's "natural scent".
The transformations performed from within this single one place are just as endless as the variance in fragrances not to mention that the samples are FREE (just ask), and the customer service here is insurmountable.
Why do I love Sephora, you ask?
Because despite the fact that we're all hosts of imperfections (some, CLEARLY, more than others), they still somehow manage to catch us when we fall and accept us flaws and all.
If anything, they prevent us all from becoming a B!TCH IN THE MORNING.