| - Ummm... What can I say about this place. It could be one of the most dangerous looking places, and the crowd, hmm could be scary, BUT (big but) I felt pretty save here. Perhaps it is the drug dealers that keep it safe. I don't know, but I dig it. Sometimes you have to get gritty, and see the other side of the tracks, it keeps you real and grounded. Now I wouldn't go here often, but it's nice to hit a real dive up every now and then. This place has thousands of stories to tell, and each patron just as many. I tried to determine who had the most stories to tell, it was a toss up between the old drunk cowboy in the red satin "Five and Dimes" jacket, or the nice looking Mexican man in the "I have a big roost" shirt. Too me, this place is a short story haven, or if you need inspiration for characterization in writing, go here. These are real people, gritty, grimy and somewhat scary, but real. We don't have much reality in Phoenix, but the Breakroom is as real as it gets. I give it 2 stars, because it is truely a DIVE!