My doctor called in my medication and they put me in the computer wrong-first day no medicine
They called after the weekend to fix it and the woman at cvs repeated my RX back to her twice, and I get messages from cvs saying my RX is ready at 9am. We go to pick it up at 4:30pm, they only have one filled and can't fill the others because she "gave them the wrong amount" (she didn't) and they called and no one picked up -they called once in 6 hours and didn't leave a voicemail. -Day 2 no medicine.
We go back and she try's to blame it on my doctor instead of taking responsibility for putting me in the computer wrong, not listening to the order. -Day3 still no medicine.
This is medication I require to survive. And they were like sorry your gonna feel yucky. I was like more like I might die but sorry to inconvenience your job.