This place is a wreck! Management needs to step it up. Good things: Was sat right away, waitress was courteous when seating me and the food came out quickly. In the meantime, the table I was given had a syrup basket coated in syrup. I saw my waitress once when my food was delivered and then she was gone. By the comments from the other wait staff it seems Taylor likes to milk the clock and not work. While eating, another server went to greet his table and I was able to hear how hilariously funny he thinks it is when he drives 115-130mph on his motorcycle on the freeway. Then motorcycle guy and another server start talking about personal stuff very loudly on the serving floor while using profanity. I finished my meal and sat there for 5 minutes with my plates stacked before I was offered my check. Keep in mind there were only 3 tables . I understand this is ihop and not much is to ever be expected when dining here but when it falls below your already low expectation then that's a problem.