Ripped off! I purchased a used little Louis Vuitton multicolored monogram pochette wallet. It was selling for $100.00 which I could have easily went online to buy a real one for an extra $50 in better condition. So I looked it over and seemed to be authentic at fist not to mention their pricey price tag I believe anyone would think so. I didn't think they would be in the business of selling fakes for high cost, as it is illegal to sell counterfeit items as authentic. I realized a couple of hours later after further research it was a for sure a bad fake and in no way great condition for this little wallet size bag. Now keep in mind there are no signs, or warnings in the store of buy at your own risk of any kind, or stating that luxury brands being sold are potentially fake and illegal replicas to the unsuspecting shopper. I called the store and spoke with a supervisor to explain what happened, come to find out he wasn't the manager. The receipt says all sales are final, however this is not buyers remorse or some $2 item. It is taking part in illegal selling/buying activity. He even acknowledged that most bags are fakes and offered to give me 1/2 any purchase the next day. Wow really? why would I do that again? He refused to refund my money leaving me with an illegal used $100 replica Louis Vuitton mini bag. Buyers beware of this thrift stores, as they support the selling of illegal bad replicas at high cost for profit. You can spend an extra $100 and get a REAL one. I've repeatedly gone back to speak with store manager Trish, who redirected us to the "corporate office" which is a joke. The girl named sara who is the top manager for Epic has been ignoring our calls and emails. When she did finally call we explained that it was a fake and it was illegal to sell as authentic. After letting her know she hung up on us and continues to ignore us. Wow nice way to run a business.