BEWARE, NEGLIGENT AND LACK OF INTEGRITY. These guys butchered my dog's ear. Didn't even mention it to my husband when he picked up our Apollo. Its one thing to accidentally cut a dog but it's HORRIFIC to hurt an animal who can't speak for himself and just hope the owner doesn't find out. It's been almost TWO WEEKS and his poor ear is not healing. WE WILL NEVER RETURN!!!!!!
UPDATE: The owner was kind and offered to pay for the vet visit. I did not take Apollo to the vet, because I had already ordered antibiotic wipes and wrapped his paw in a sock. It took about two weeks to heal.
THIS CUT WAS IN FACT DONE AT THIS SALON!!!!!!! If the owner CANNOT TAKE OWNERSHIP, it tells me she is negligent herself!
My husband never saw the cut so I don't blame her for not seeing it. The cut was so deep that the fold on his ear completely hid the blood or any sign of it. I just play with his ears often and that's how I noticed it. YES it went unnoticed for a week but that's only because I was out of town for a week and my husband doesn't not notice these little details.
I have a LIVE FB VIDEO of Apollo and I coming to talk to the owner but it was on my only day off - Sunday - and they were closed. He's simpering and crying in the video. Obviously scarred for life.