| - I just got back from this store, i am new in the neighbourhood. I have long dark hair and wore a leather coat. Within 2 seconds of walking in i was given a very unwelcome glare. He clearly thought i did not fit his "market profile". I walked around to check the stuff and the guy tells me i had to put my bag at the front (which was full of oranges), i looked around and noticed others were allowed to hold their bags, so clearly i was singled out, however it was "store rules". I complied and looked around , prices were pretty high for everything (mind you i am not a low budget person). I went to the front to enquire about the price of a product where the young man was , and he just glared at me with a disgusted look and yelled the price TWICE at me VERY loud! i said "i heard you " to him and proceeded to walk to my bag to pick it up and leave. I then turned around and asked if i come in here next time do i have to put my bag on the side right away? Then he just straight up starts yelling at me, coming closer to my face, asking me to get the F*** out , and that hes not in the mood for people to start some S*** with him. Then he goes on Yelling "IM HAVING A GREAT DAY I DONT NEED THIS S*** FROM YOU" Clearly he thought i am in the store to start something..
Anything i tried to say back, which were only apologies and trying to say, you misunderstood me there is no disrespect here. He would interrupt me like a CHILD yelling back "SORRY SIR, HAVE A NICE DAY SIR, GET OUT SIR" literally kept yelling that at me when i was trying to clear up a misunderstanding. I kept trying to say im new here, im trying to learn your rules and he wouldn't even give me that chance. He comes closer to me, and i offer him my hand as a handshake before i leave to diffuse things and he goes " I DONT SHAKE HANDS" the whole time wont even look me in the eye. I have been to over 30 countries and have dealt with customer service from all over. I have never in my life been treated in this manner, i feel totally violated as a consumer. Oh and this happened while 2 other ladies were staring in disbelief..
I will be looking into legal action against this establishment.