I don't like having to go into a casino to go to the movies, and have ALWAYS preferred going to Regal Colonnade on Eastern for just that reason. I believe in the old fashioned way of going to a stand alone theater. Anyway, that said, although it's a nightmare going to Regal Sunset (horrible parking due to Casino, and an extremely long walk to finding and locating the theater and then your car EVERY SINGLE TIME), I give this location 2 stars due to the reclining chairs! The reclining chairs are the ONLY reason it gets any stars, otherwise it would be a big fat zero. The reclining seats are truly the ONLY pro. Well that and the fact that you get to preselect your seat. The BAD (con) part about that is, I've been to Regal Sunset a handful of times, and EVERY single time some random person is in my preselected seat. It's a real pain having to deal with someone who is so blatantly ignorant and is knowingly sitting in your preselected seat just because they want to. For the sake of caring and being professional, this really needs to be monitored and handled by the staff on a constant/regular basis. That's it, that's all.