Still love this store. It's clean and the people working there continue to have excellent service. I've gotten to improve my Spanish, too. Sergio got a promotion, so he's no longer at this store. I'm bummed that he's not at this store, but happy he got a promotion. Esteban I rarely see because they sometimes have him working at a different store.
My favorite cashier, Maddie, is always helpful with my Spanish and very pleasant. All the older cashiers, whether male or female are awesome and super friendly. The younger male cashiers are good, too. Sometimes the younger female cashiers are a bit too serious and not as friendly, but that's okay for me.
The produce guys mainly speak Spanish, so I have new people to get to know.
Manuel in the Butcher's area helps me with my Spanish and I enjoy my weekly visits to the Meat Counter. He is always excellent in customer service with a friendly smile.
They could use outside the store in the parking lots better cart returns. The ones they have are awful. The Bashas family which ones all the Food Cities should install similar cart returns to WinCo.
However, I've noticed that a large number of people who shop here don't use the cart returns. They just leave the baskets wherever and that includes the driving aisle. A pet peeve of mine and usually I'll round up a few baskets and put them nicely in the cart return.
I mainly always shop for things on sale and a lot of the produce I can get here are better priced on sale than other places. I've come to know the rotation of their ads and just wait until whatever I want is on sale. We always get our tortillas here.