| - Recently I had a tooth begin to ache and then really, really hurt for what seemed like no reason at all. I knew this practice was highly rated, so I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Cristoforo. I was able to get in right away and see him for my tooth pain. His exam was thorough and gentle; he took an x-ray of the area and did a few tests on the tooth that was bothering me. It turned out I needed to go see an endodontist for a root canal consult, so I was given a referral. Before I left I explained my concern about a cracked tooth and possibly pulling it and getting an implant, but Dr. Cristoforo explained that saving a relatively healthy tooth by treating it was more in my interest, which says a TON about him and his practice, because he could have just told me yes, let's pull it and put in a $5,000+ implant, but instead, he sent me to a root canal specialist for my benefit and my health. I highly recommend this practice if you are in need of anything periodontal related or if you want a second opinion or are in need of a dental implant. They are fantastic, thorough, gentle and overall a great place to be if you have specific dental needs. Thanks, Dr. Joe!