| - With a number of new dentistry's popping up in this town, sifting through to weed out the aesthetically pleasing yet, lacking the quality work, is a challenge. Thankfully (to Yelp & Yelpers), I was able to find Smiles for Life Dentistry. It's not only a beautiful office but, the staff REALLY make you feel welcome and comfortable. From the tour for 1st timers, the head's up on the personal photos of both, Dr. Quinn and Dr. Mitchell, getting to admire the creative masterpieces in the office (created by a family member)--you're in awe with how you're treated from the onset. Their staff, hygienist and Dr's are extremely thorough with informing you, being informed about your oral issues, and taking the time to let you know everything you need to know about the health of your teeth and gums. Everything is in office! Crowns are made in-office so you can get same day crowns instead of having to wear the gunky temporaries that keep falling off. They not only take X-Rays, but still photos as well, of the inside of your mouth. This office is equipped with the latest "digital" technology. Stellar! And there isn't anything they can't take care of in-house really.
Upon my 2nd visit (the next day) for my actual cleaning, I was welcomed with smiles from the front and actually "enjoyed" a relaxing cleaning, while watching HGTV above my chair. And they give you glasses to wear to protect your eyes from any splatter. If you check-in with Yelp, you get a FREE Fluoride treatment. Take advantage! Who doesn't want their teeth protected for free? Smiles for Life has all the little fine tuned details nailed down. I'm super impressed with their service, facility, staff and of course, their phenomenal Dr's. The only thing that's stopping me from camping out on their couch for the atmosphere and friendly staff alone is not having creamer for the coffee. Lol! "Quality" dentistry! It's a rarity here in this town from what I've experienced in my 16-17 years of living here.