Community!... That is the number one word that comes to mind when thinking of Urban Warfit 602. Before joining this box my impression of CrossFit was lifting some weights and a casual hello to the people in your CrossFit class. After my transition to UWF602 I realized how much I was missing. This box thrives on the importance of being there for each other no matter how big or small. That love and support you develop inside the box develops into a bond outside of it as well through social gatherings, volunteering and CrossFit events.
UWF602 is incredibly helpful in reaching your goals whether it be to get a good workout, become a better athlete, or train for something even bigger like competitive competitions. The coaches are 100% supportive in your personal needs. I entered with a list of injuries and they are always willing to find an alternative method to make sure you are staying healthy, safe and still getting the best CrossFit workout you can! After trying out multiple boxes I knew UWF602 was the place to be! I have been here 7 months now and have seen an incredible improvement in not only myself but ALL the fellow members! So thankful for giving this place a try!