I so miss Asian Cafe Express. I didnt realize how much i would miss it since moving away over a year ago. I would dine here once a week some times more. The food at Asian Cafe Express is delicious, portions are very good and prices are great. Looking at their menu i see they raised their prices a little. And its still a great bargin.
For drinks i usually ordered taro coconut w/ tapioca.
For my meal i would generally get bok choy with black mushrooms or double mushroom with bok choy or with mixed vegetables. And the use whole black mushrooms not sliced black mushrooms or tiny pieces,whole ones. I make this point because ive been to some restaurants in my new city and i havent found one chinese restaurant that offers black mushrooms and if the do they slice them up into halfs or small pieces.
I would also some times order ginger green onion w/fish fillet, chinese broccoli.w/fish fillet. Or just and order of bok choy or chinese broccoli. They never over cooked the vegetables and the vegetables were always in abundance. Yum! Reguardless what you order at Asian Cafe Express if it includes vegetables you can rest assured they will not be cheap or mizerly with the veggies the will give you a generous amount of veggies (not over cooked). It wont be just some tiny broccoli florets and carrots. And the vegetables will be mixed in throughout your whole plate.
The atmosphere at ACE is relaxed its not at all pretentcious or posh. Simple, clean and not worried about designer tables or posh art on the walls. Working class, builders, laborers, any office workers. Comfortable for all. Great place for very good food.
Im still searching but so far i havent found any thing as good as Asian Cafe Express in my new home.