| - I like this place. Each time I eat here I'm thankful Ryan K recommended CMNH to me years back. Ryan, hope you're doin' well on your unfolding Colorado adventure. Let's catch up soon ya big loser!
First, don't be scared away. Yeah, at first glance, it's a bit authentic for most Arizonan's comfort zone. Chin up, Imma get ya through. And it will be worth it for ya. We're talkin' lookin-back-years-later-in-fond-remembrance-of-a-life-changing-growth-experience type worth it.
5 Steps to Success. Do this:
1. Grab a seat. Under most circumstances you will be shown your seat with grace and a smile. Understand though, that CMNH isn't the type of place to fawn all over you with appreciation that you have arrived. If the seating is brusque just roll with it. It you find yourself having trouble "rolling with it", try "getting over yourself". One of those approaches should work for ya. Just remember, they aren't trying to offend you.
2. Order some Eggrolls. They're in the OK range of the eggroll quality spectrum. Just do it so you know for next time.
3. Order some Pan-fried dumplings. You could go Steamed, but I prefer, and recommend, the Pan-fried. They are made with Pork, Napa Cabbage, Happiness, and a smidgen of Blocks-Out-The-Freakin'-Sun. Seriously, these things are huge... and damn tasty. Dayum!
4. Order #34, Beef with Stir-Fried Noodles in XO Spicy Sauce. It's not very spicy, relax. You'll need to give them a noodle type. I like the "C" Regular. Hard to go wrong with this choice, just go where ya want on this one. All the noodles are fantastic, hand-stretched on-premises, and undeniably chock-full-a-magic.
5. If feeling adventurous, pick something else off menu. Whatcha got to lose?
That's it. Give it a shot. No need to be intimidated.
Sometimes you just have to jump in. The water's just fine.
Branch out of your next visit. Yeah, I said your NEXT VISIT. That's how confident I am you'll be back.
CMNH tends to be my Pre-Lee-Lee's Supermarket go to. It keeps me from buying up the whole store when I go to Lee Lee's. ;)
Enjoy the Magic.