The natural beauty and ancient culture of the desert can be found not too far from the strip. This is a majestic colorful mountain canyon only 25 minutes away. It takes you higher in elevation to the mountains far west of town. There are protected endemic flora and fauna to be discovered. The entrance to Red Spring has RV and limo parking (if you're fancy like that).
There are benches and a few grills at the base of the park. The public restrooms are standard sinkless federal park outhouses, basically. [ FUN FACT: a man was found and arrested hiding down at the bottom of the restroom poophole a few years ago! ] I wouldn't use the potty's over there.. Beyond this there is a handicap accessible wooden trail bridge that winds up towards the scenic meadow. Continue further and it takes your breath away with a close up view of the red and orange mountaintops. A number of informational placards give you a hint of whats to be found, like the animals, plants and ancient petroglyphs.
*This is a local photographer hot spot for doing photo shoots*
It may be one of the best free activities that can be found on your Vegas vacation. If you feel that you need a little earth grounding from all the neon & the hype I urge you to take an hour of your life and enjoy this. Good spot for meditation. Always a recommended spot for Vegas visitors who want to see what else there is out here other than casino resorts night clubs and restaurants.