Run for Hills - any hills that are close. We ran to In and Out after 11 miserable minutes sitting in a corner booth.
1. We immediately started sweating when we sat down. Turning off the AC when the temperature is still over 80 is unacceptable.
2. They have no concept of a lunch special. After asking about lunch specials, the not so smart female bartender replied with an answer that made no sense saying something like oh we are just starting that and I think its gonna be Wednesday or Friday. I guarantee that whatever day a person is there to eat the lunch special will be in a few days. What a joke.
3. Regular food menu is way overpriced for this neck of the woods. There is nothing under 11 bucks and I wasn't going to take a chance on a frozen burger patty when IN and Out serves them up fresh for 2 bucks.
Bring your own food and fan and maybe I would watch a football game there if it was the last bar left on earth.