| - 5 stars for consistently friendly service, excellent inventory and product selection.
It's easy to park, always a cart on the ready when I go. The big draw for me is their food selection. I cook a lot and prefer using fresh, close to nature ingredients when possible. The meat selection is great, and it looks (and smells) very fresh. The employees in the butcher/deli area are helpful, patient and friendly. Their selection of bulk items in the bins is amazing, and they have awesome produce sales.
I can get my Shirataki noodles there, Kefir, and my oddball teas. When they have good sales, I stock up on items such as organic boxed broths, Tasty Bite Indian entrees, canned tomatoes, etc. Watch the ads for screaming deals.
Checkout can be busy, but they work hard to open as many lines as possible and the employees are stellar! They are friendly and fast, and I can honestly say I have never left there aggravated with the experience. And that's something I can't say about many grocery excursions.