The people who work here are completely incompetent and disrespectful. They completely took advantage of a young couple trying to start out in life. We purchased 1 washer, 1 dryer, and one fridge from them for around $1600. When they brought us our 'purchases', the washer was broken AND they brought us the wrong fridge. A broken didn't even look like the one that we purchased. They told us they would be back with the real fridge in a few days and would have our washer fixed. They did have our washer fixed and gave us a loaner temporarily. HOWEVER, when they brought us our fridge they were negligent and did not put any wheels on the base, and they damaged my floors. They apologized to me and said that they would make sure they took care of it/would have it fixed. NOT. Now the owner refuses to talk to me, and when I tried to call to speak to him the person on the phone screamed at me to stop calling and that he wouldn't talk to me. He also said that the owner of the store said to 'do whatever I need to do' i.e. 'so sue me'.
So to recap they brought me broken items-one wasn't even what I purchased, they damaged my home, and they took back their promise to fix it. The damage to my home costs about what I spent on their crap service.
To everyone who has been screwed over and lied to by this business: The attorney general handles these kinds of situations. I strongly encourage that you submit a claim and make them aware of the illegal activity going on here.