A former boss once gave me the advice "watch out for black ice and never eat anything bigger than your own head." If I had listened to him I would never know the joy of the Hello Bistro salad. A gigantic salad with toppings galore and the most scrumdiddlyumptious ranch dressing known to man. Really, it's a good 2-3 meal salad, at least! For the price ($7.95 w/o meat) you really can't do any better. They do charge extra for chicken, shrimp or salmon, but really there are a couple meat-ish like toppings (ham, bacon) available with the salad that you wouldn't have to pay the extra couple bucks if you didn't want. And the burgers and fries are good too. The good morning burger with the egg and bacon is killer. The fries especially are also Homer Simpson drool worthy, but I love fries, so that's nothing new. I always order on line and pick up, which means I am no help as far as service or anything goes. I will say this place is PACKED around lunch time so I would suggest trying the ordering on line thing as well. Plus, when you order the first time online you get $2.00 bucks off your order!!