| - Been here twice: once for the beers, once for the food.
During the summer, they open up their back lawn area; deco is beautiful. A kiss of cool night air and a sip of cold beer (with a group of friends, of course) is enough to give this place the three stars it deserves. Strings of lights, seemingly like fireflies, hang off the hedge that surrounds the plot to provide a touch of wonder.
During the winter, this area is closed; or rather, nobody in their right mind would be outside. Inside, a little on the cold side; not cozy. Perhaps with a beer or two, the place might warm up. Dinner had a good taste, but no wow factor; I ordered a buffalo chicken sandwich. Tasted exactly as it sounded: it was a buffalo chicken sandwich. Not sure how to describe it beyond that.
Inside deco was decent (nothing compared to the outside, however). There's a giant center tree, with lights strung up over it: hence, the Treehouse. However, nothing caught the eye. Summer, for me, can't get here soon enough.