I have been taking my pets to RYIH for about 15 years and they were wonderful when my loving pet got sick, they handled his passing with great love and respect... things changed in the past few years with my new pet and I had the feeling for a while that it was all about the $$ the test and test. My dog now Chili had skin problems and ear infections and they kept on pushing test after test and antibiotics without a proper diagnose. Dr Suzie was great although the last time she left the room when I was still asking her some questions about his ears... 2 years of telling me that he had a yeast infection and giving me antibiotics. Dr, Alvarez was the worst.. dismissive and although she speaks spanish she did not want to address me in my own language. I know its Canada and I do speak english. About 2 months ago I noticed some growth on his inner ear.. very hard to see but I knew there was something wrong... and like I said after 2 years of being told it was an infection. I was alarmed and I made an appointment and again Dr. Alvarez decided to take another test and obviously for another $45.00 told me it was yeast.. (Wow. I have been told that a few times..). just like the last time that she said he had a heart murmur he should be tested for heart worm... of course it was negative. She prescribed more antibiotics for his ear and told me to bring him back in 2 weeks to check again and then maybe send him to a specialist.... I did not bring him back and took him to a specialist who does not find a heart murmur ?? but did find that his right ear its gone and the left has a tumor that could have been detected and did not need antibiotics as prescribed by Dr. Suzie and Dr. Alvarez. In my dealings with them within the past 2 years with Dr. Allan etc... its all about the money. Very disappointed.