Poor Sugar Daddy's......... :(
This place used to be a cool place to go in south Scottsdale that wasn't THAT far for us that live in the east valley.
But ever since CBNC closed after that shooting, the crowd that went there to cause trouble and not just have a good time started going to Sugar Daddy's. And then Sugar Daddy's went from a cool bar to Daddy's Ghetto House of Horrors!
Tax problems, and then stabbing, after stabbing, after stabbing. WTF!?!?!?!
You would think after the first stabbing they would have clean it up but it seems they haven't. Which sucks cuz the place can be really cool place to go and hang outside and party.
I guess if you ever want to go to Sugar Daddy's it better be during the day light hours and make sure you have on your full body armour.
Sugar Daddy's.........needs a Sugar Daddy, or a Voodoo Dr cuz there is some major bad MoJo going on at that place.