I love this church. The people are very friendly and they don't judge you at all. If you are new to this church they don't call you out and make you shake everyone's hand.
I am not anti-social, I have been Roman Catholic for my entire life. It is one Church throughout the entire world, this is just another location that we celebrate the mass in. I will introduce myself when I want to meet new people and get involved. I don't want to be recruited. I am a lifer.
There are no fees to join this church, some Catholic churches have a welcome packet and dinner they charge you for. That concept was new to me but it happened in Virginia.
The homilies aren't all downloaded off the internet, that is a big plus for me. Not that we don't have good homilies on the internet, but sometimes you hear the same one twice and if you have a good enough memory where you remember hearing nearly the exact homily four years ago. I have that kind of memory.