| - "(Hey) Sit tight green light everybody's out at night, go
"Why don't you beeline, outshine, everybody blow your mind, go"
I find myself unnecessarily distraught with the fact that I have not yet comprehensively eaten my way through the Goodwich's menu.
Every sandwich. Many, multiple times.
If you don't at least try the Goodwich, with their superb service, and creative menu; then, there may be something wrong with you. Do you even yelp, bro?
Yes, it is a shack.
Yes, it is downtown.
Yes you might be a gigantic pusillanimous yuppie if you find it dangerous here.
If you have a particular problem with eating what might be the best sandwiches from a shack downtown, then I am sure there is a Subway somewhere within driving distance you can go to. There are probably several in Summerlin or Anthem, where you belong. Adios ....
And, you call yourself a Yelper?
Favourite (non-kosher offering):
Honourable mention:
Fluff Nutt
Least favourite:
Rating: Five-stars, "Woohoo! As good as it gets!" (Check out the verified check-ins, flagger/flag inspector.)