This is a little grocery that is close to my house. It is NOT Heinen's, but I get better service for the few things I do buy here than the overpriced Giant Eagle at 117th and 90.
Giant Eagle has poor quality meat. I am a HUGE food snob and find Sapell's locally obtained fresh, meats much better. Their chicken isn't "enhanced" with that horrible salt solution that everyone is pumping into their meats. This is what sent me to Sapell's to begin with.
Yes, they sell alcohol, which seems to be something more pertinent to previous reviewers. Not a priority to me, but there is that segment that comes in to purchase just booze, cigarettes and lottery tickets. We had those types as well back where in lived in an upscale San Diego and let live. Sapell's offers a courtesy shuttle to people who purchase over $50 in groceries and elderly customers.
I run in to grab meat, deli meat and cheese, mostly the basics..I shop MANY places, but this little store filled the void that the GE on Clinton left behind...not sure what a "skeezy" neighborhood is. The cashiers are friendly, compared to GE. It serves an eclectic mixed neighborhood...