| - This place is currently not safe. I thought a long time (too long) about posting this, because I truly dislike spreading negativity. However, yesterday I received a general marketing email that announced that the new slide is soon to arrive. After an injury one month ago from the damaged slide, I was told it would be replaced in merely a week. I feel I should have informed others of the danger then, and I truly hope no other incidents happened in the time that has passed.
Here is what happened: I took my three little boys to the the open bounce from 12-2pm on 7/19. The activity rooms were very crowded, unlike at our other visits. I observed only one attendant was in the room (back), busily inspecting her split ends and repeating "wow!" to anything any kid said to her. She was stationed in the center of the room, faced away from the slide that I soon noticed felt under-inflated. When I got closer I noticed a large hole at the bottom of the slide and a large flap of lifted (not sticking down) duct tape, which allowed air to easily escape. The low inflation plus having no monitoring attendant, meant several children would go at at time. Groups reaching the bottom at the same time resulted in the front of the slide collapsing to the floor.
While my son was near the bottom of that slide, an older child coming down behind him collided with my son, knocking him to the floor, where he hit his head. A serious black eye quickly formed. In defense of the older child, it was he alerted the hair-obsessed attendant. I was taking care of my son and talking to the attendant, when my toddler was climbed over by another older child, resulting in a bruise on his cheek. The attendant did ask how she could do to help and brought me ice (my request) for his eye.
So with two children in tears and pain, I gathered the third and made my way to the front to talk to the manager. He was nowhere to be found, since the low staff numbers required him to "float" between the two open rooms and help. I was told I could wait for him, and I did for a time while I talked to the attendant from the room from where we came. (Who was left to watch that back room, I have no idea.) She told me they did have less staff that day because someone had a family emergency and did not show up to work, and that the owner had been in that day, but left in the morning. She also admitted that staff was aware of the damaged slide, had been instructed to watch it, and that another was on order and expected in a week. I did hear repeated "sorrys" about what had happened.
By that time, I realized the manager was fully occupied, and would not come soon. My boys were so upset and in so much pain. My son who hit his head was slightly dizzy and complained he wanted to sleep, so I chose to leave my information, take names and contact information, and leave. (I made an immediate trip to the pediatrician to evaluate the head injury. The doctor said it was a mild concussion and contusion.)
I did hear from the manager the next day, who expressed his concern, which I do appreciate. I never did hear from the owner, though I was told she would call me and would want to talk to me.
I sign releases expecting that the business is also making an effort to ensure safety, i.e. staffing appropriately so safety rules can be enforced, having play areas that are well-maintained and functioning so danger is as low as possible.
My warning to parents interested in taking their children to this business:
--The equipment is not in good repair. Inquire about the damaged, under-inflated slide. Ask if it has been replaced and if there are any other units that are damaged that you should be cautious about/avoid.
--The staff numbers and attention were lacking. Ask if they are fully staffed. Staff oversee play and ensure safety rules are being upheld.
--The number of children exceeded safety and monitoring. Consider taking children 5 and younger to the preschool playdate sessions, instead of open bounces. The larger kids are not considerate of the smaller ones and there are no areas well-suited to small children.
My boys hope to return. It was difficult to explain to them, but I do not yet feel it is safe enough.