I remember the last time I came here about three years ago, and the staff acted like they had bamboo shafts through their heads and they were lazy besides. The food was terrible, the service worse and all together a memorably god awful experience. I made the mistake of going back.
I went in and stood for five minutes while the usual crop of pot bellied drunks stared at me slouched in their booths and chairs. A number of servers, who were nice looking in a cheap shoddy kind of way, saw me and looked away. I finally went up to the barmaid and asked her if it was free night since they weren't taking anyone's money, and clearly no one was working. she said she hadn't seen me and to sit anywhere I want to. That was a lie, she looked over at me two or three times while I was standing staring aimlessly into space at the hostess station.
So I went to find a table. It was great. I had my choice of poorly placed regular tables or dirty booths. I got tired of wandering around the visibly filthy establishment. Finally the barmaid snagged another rude insolent chippie who again told me I could sit anywhere I wanted. I asked her which dirty booth she would like me to sit in because I couldn't decide between the one that had food stuck to the table or the one that had glassware piled one piece on top of another. She at that point became just as surly as the lazy little barmaid. Time to leave.
Those insolent clowns in Tempe that own the place are so impressed with their money and their D cups that they could give a rats patootie about customer service.
Last time I try to give my money to these idiots. The most hilarious part of it is that us folks over 50 have all the money in this country. I'm just as happy to go over to Twin Peaks to spend mine.