This used to be my #1 place to go for alterations. But there seems to have been some kind of recent changeover and the gals that pin and with whom you try on and talk about how you want your clothes to be altered --- have dropped in caliber. In the past 5 months, the place, no matter WHEN I go, is packed with a line nearly out-the-door. Recently, I've had to take two things back to be re-done --- never did that in the many years before. The most recent item, even when re-done, is still not right. But won't take it back --- I tried to explain to the gal about the alteration and couldn't even get a response as I stood there in front of the mirror for a second re-fit --- she looked at me expressionless. The previous staff was personable, interactive and could succinctly explain how something could be done, or why something wouldn't work. This new staff (both the new gals that pin and the new gals that take the money) seems to work at indicating they don't care. I'm afraid I'll need to find a new place. Too bad --- used to be super.