A small bank of tables plays peek-a-boo behind some stunning women's clothing. If you didn't know any better, you wouldn't know it was there to begin with. And then somehow in the moments between stepping in off the street and sitting down, you're swept away. I don't recall if music was actually playing but in my head there played a French song I had never consciously heard before. Mandys does this to you. Transcended.
We arrived for a late lunch and found ourselves to be the only two dining. The salad menu is extensive. Build your own or culinary masterpieces (if salad is allowed to be considered in the masterpiece category of course) ranged from meat forward to cheese forward and fruit in between. I picked a Man Salad. Plenty of meat including bacon, heaps of vegetables including avocado and a caesar/ranch dressing. I know, it doesn't sound like anything unbelievable when I utter the ingredients, but there's something about how this salad is made -- perhaps with love? It won my heart as I crunched all to greedily on perfectly proportioned -- hefty bowl -- of lettuce and veggies. If you come hungry, you'll leave satiated and feeling healthy! The bowls are truly meal sized.
And the sister owners? Well, their radiance beamed on all of the walls too! I sense they're going to be seeing me again!