Once again- poor service, clearly this is a pattern for this business. One of the worst things a business owner can do when they have wronged a customer is to put the blame on the customer. As a response to my former review instead of simply apologizing to me Katherine accused me of being rude; seeing as how I was never spoken to either this business owner makes a habit of ignoring customers and has me confused or she is a liar trying to cover her behind. I worked retail for years and I have dealt with too many rude customers to ever walk into a business and be rude- I'd rather share my opinion with the yelp world to save them the drive if they want good service. The worst part is- I did attempt to call and even tried to stop back in (AFTER the first bad experience) not for alterations (which I found elsewhere of course) but to look at veils. I didn't feel like it would matter as much if I just wanted to stop in and look at veils if I had an appt, plus I believe in second chances. This time the business was closed during the designated hours- now understandably this was my fault for attempting a second non scheduled drop in but would I have made a second attempt had I rudely spoken and embarrassed myself the first time? I think not. Your lack of positive reviews speaks volumes as does your lack of finesse in handling your poor service - I am in sales myself and I have learned that the word of mouth that goes the farthest is the negative- I'd recommend you work on your service skills so you can get more positive feedback and word of mouth.