Meet with Carol and Leo who run the Young People's Library. West Las Vegas YPL was the 1st of 2 libraries in the system to implement a dedicated Homework Help Center. This center is awesome it helps children who may not get help at home with their homework (before you ask remember some children have parents who english isn't their 1st language or didn't graduate high school) so it is important in that aspect.
But better than just helping kids with their homework they get tutors from UNLV who help the kids which gives the students at UNLV practical experience. But wait there's more. They get HS students who volunteer to work with children to help them with their reading comprehension while teaching the HS students work ethic and the ability to earn community service credit.
But there is even more. They have 20 plus laptops available at the library for the kids to use to go on the internet to do research for their homework (no social media access, games or music) and allows them print up to 10 pages per day for free.
I can't begin to say how impressed I am with Carol and her program and all the great work they do everyday. I am sure there is so much more I can't remember but I encourage everyone to contact Carol and see how you can volunteer to help this program or ensure the library by you has a similar program.
We have a awesome library system here in the valley and we all should appreciate the work that people like Carol and her team do everyday.