I brought my car to Mister Carwash yesterday and was appalled with the complete disregard for customers service. As I was waiting to get back in my car, an employee driving another customer's car hit me, and didn't even stop to see if I was okay. I went back inside and asked to speak with a manager. As I explained what happened he blankly stared at me, and another employee who was in the garage when the incident happened was screaming "It was all your fault, you shouldn't have been in the garage, you backed into the car" at me. All the manager had to say was "I'm working on getting a sign in the lobby so customers don't enter the garage until an employee waves them in." Needless to say, I cannot recommend an establishment that thinks it's okay to recklessly drive customers' cars when they are not around, and run into people with cars without so much as an apology.