| - Before going to Tim Soder for physical therapy I had gone to another therapy place for 4 months after having bicep and rotator cuff surgery, and my progress was far from where my surgeon and I thought it should be. Three times a week for 4 months, the therapist had me doing only 5 exercises, stretched my arm, and I was out of there in 30 mins. It was extremely frustrating watching other patients, who were much older than me, doing so many more exercises than I was, and watching their progression each week. My surgeon and I had both agreed that changing therapist would be beneficial, so he had sent me to Soder. They were able to fit me into their schedule immediately, and after my evaluation, they had me stay, workout, and doing exercises that had not even been introduced to me by the last place. Needless to say, I became extremely emotional realizing that my progress would've been extremely better if not completed if I only had only known about Soder sooner.
I have only been to Soder for 4 sessions so far and EVERYONE, from the physical therapist, the assistant therapists, and massage therapist have ALL equally showed their support each time I've been there, and it has been even more inspirational watching them interact with other patients, and having other patients becoming inspiring to me.
I've been a gym rat since I was 15 yrs old, and now in my 40's, I've been working at one of the busiest pools on the strip for the last 9yrs. eight hours a day, five days a week, which has literally been my workout and kept has me in optimum condition even in my off season, so not being able to work 1/2 my season has taken more of an emotional toll on me than anything else. Everyone their "gets" my mentality and understands how helpless this has made me feel, and without it being said by them, it's an issue that is also worked on as a part of my therapy there by each staff member, which makes me incredibly grateful.
Hand to heart, I recommend Soder therapy in an instant!