Went a few hours after the midnight opening. At 5 there were a lot of people still there from the opening, maybe coming from one of the clubs? Because I am an old fogey, my first thought was "tragically hip".This is a place that definitely was not set up for my generation. And I think that is a good thing. It is a smaller casino and once things shake out, I think it could get a following of the 20 - 30ish crowd. The casino is on the small side, but it does create a nice intimate experience. The food venues are off the casino floor and sound like they have interesting items, but come prepared to pay. They aren't to proud to charge you that arm and leg. The Griddles cafe l was told, is a big thing in LA but I didn't think the pancakes were any more special than what I could make at home. As I said, I am not there target sudience, but despite it all, I know I will return for the restaurants.