Ahh Shucks I Like Kettlemuck's!
A real hidden gem in the heart of Anthem. Would have never known about this awesome toy shoppe had it not been for my lunch at Flame Kabob just around the corner. the store is tucked away out of sight a bit but hope that word of mouth begins to boost their exposure.
Their toy store appeared to be well thought out and they carry not just your ordinary big box chain wares. They carry a wide array of unique, well made toys while keeping the prices reasonable. I could have spent well over an hour in this store if my lunch break would have permitted.
I will be bringing my kids very soon to play in the recycled milk jug snow pit. For a nominal fee your child receives a small pouch and has the opportunity to find hidden treasures amongst the "snow" to take home with them (socks required, or available for purchase).
Bring your inner or outer child and have fun exploring this nice Mom-N-Pop shop.